workflow automation for print

The Journey to Print Approval

Scroll down to explore the Good2Go journey to print approval.

1. Quote Acceptance

Import your quote to Good2Go and send it out for client review. Good2Go will manage the review, sending reminders based on a schedule you pre-define. 

Did you know, by automating quote reminders you can increase your quote acceptance by 50% or more?

2. Job On-boarding

Job portal document upload page shown.

Simple and easy file on-boarding. Choose from direct folder uploads or submit files to a job portal and capture more customer and job details. 

Have upload folders or portals for specific clients, or an open portal linked to your website.

Email orders

#1 way orders are placed at most printers.

Also, the #1 pain-point for most CSRs.

Order Pilot uses the power of AI to quickly get unstructured emails into a nicely structured order format.

  • Extracts order details from the email
  • Uploads attachments
  • Summary sent in email
  • PDFs preflighted